Meet Taylor Foster!

Meet Taylor Foster!

Meet Taylor Foster! She is currently a rising senior at Cardinal Newman High School, and will be running the Windsor Threads for Teens boutique this coming fall. Taylor loves fashion and currently co-edits a fashion blog ( She is extremely...
Des Moines, IA

Des Moines, IA

Greetings! This blog post is a couple days past overdue, however, here it is nevertheless! We drove into Des Moines on July 2nd, after our Minneapolis stop. All of us really enjoyed seeing the beauty of the landscape of Iowa. The farm lands coupled with the beautiful...
Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis, Minnesota Tuesday, July 2nd This morning we packed up the trailer for our second to last day of appointments on the second leg in Milwaukee. We were thankful to have a day of moderate weather, and it reminded it much of the weather back home.  While we...
Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee, WI

We arrived late last night to Wisconsin and were greeted by the friendly staff of Hampton Inn & Suites who gave us a beautiful gift basket and thoughtful note along with our complimentary room. The next day was a busy one with girls shopping nonstop. We were happy...
Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

Sunday, June 30th Our arrival to the windy city, Chicago, was very fun.  Even though we were stuck in traffic, we were entertained by seeing hundreds of people decked out in Hawaiian and cowboy costumes tailgating before going to the Jimmy Buffet concert.  We...

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