Las Vegas was a fabulous second stop to our Threads for Teens tour. We were fortunate enough to park in the SAFY (Specialized Alternatives for Family and Youth) parking lot, which is an organization in Las Vegas that provides a variety of social services to at-risk youth and families. As was the case with LA, there was a large line already waiting when 10am rolled around. Today, two wonderful women, Kathleen and Ashley, helped us to set-up and style the girls.
The first girls to come in, Ines and Amber, were shy and excited as they first walked into the mobile boutique, but quickly warmed up to the shopping experience. This trend continued throughout the day, as we continued to make our way through the line of girls. One comment from a girl was extremely sweet, she wrote in the Threads for Teens guestbook, “Thank you so much for the clothes! It’s nice to know that there are organizations like this, who want the best for us.” Another girl said, “Thank you for everything, this means so much to me.”

All of us were truly humbled and blessed to be a part of today’s shopping stop in Las Vegas. We are now off to Phoenix. As I type this, we are driving through the desert and see many different cacti along the way. We just had to stop so that I (Allyson) could take a picture! Some of them are so tall. We can’t wait to see what tomorrow is in store for our stop in Phoenix.
P.S. Make sure to continue solving hunts at! The charity challenge launched today, and as of now we need to solve about 13,500 hunts a day to ensure that Threads for Teens receives a $15,000 donation! Keep up the good work!
Allyson Ahlstrom