Meet Taylor Foster!

Meet Taylor Foster!

Meet Taylor Foster! She is currently a rising senior at Cardinal Newman High School, and will be running the Windsor Threads for Teens boutique this coming fall. Taylor loves fashion and currently co-edits a fashion blog ( She is extremely...
Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

Sunday, June 30th Our arrival to the windy city, Chicago, was very fun.  Even though we were stuck in traffic, we were entertained by seeing hundreds of people decked out in Hawaiian and cowboy costumes tailgating before going to the Jimmy Buffet concert.  We...
Nashville, TN

Nashville, TN

Nashville, Tennessee Wednesday, June 26th Our drive from Charlotte to Nashville was one of the most beautiful drives we have had.  We passed through  the gorgeous Smoky Mountains in North Carolina, where the Hunger Games was filmed! We were greeted by an enormous and...
Threads for Teens McClelland Boutique

Threads for Teens McClelland Boutique

(Please excuse the ‘S’ from being missing…it fell off right before the picture was taken!) It is official. The new Threads for Teens boutique is finally opened! I would like to take a moment to thank everyone that helped along the way. Kelsey Marie...