Threads for Teens is officially a non-profit organization as recognized by the federal IRS! This process has been a long one with many different steps to take. I am so happy to have passed this hurdle! I definitely could never have done this by myself, so I would like to thank Kevin Veenstra and everyone at Sonoma Law Group that helped me with the paperwork for the 501(c)(3). They have been an absolute pleasure to work with and are extremely professional. With the 501(c)(3), Threads for Teens will have the opportunity to receive more donations and the ability to apply for grants. With this, Threads for Teens will be able to serve more and more girls.

Besides that, Soroptimist International sent out a videographer several months ago to shoot a video of the Threads for Teens boutique. Please take a minute to check it out!

Allyson Ahlstrom