Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tuesday, July 2nd
This morning we packed up the trailer for our second to last day of appointments on the second leg in Milwaukee. We were thankful to have a day of moderate weather, and it reminded it much of the weather back home. While we are all excited to go back home and finally have some home-cooked meals, we are sad that we only have one more day of interacting with the girls. Allyson and Amy will get a two week break at home, and then head back on out to start the third leg. But for Kelsey and Katie, their Threads for Teens on Tour experience has almost come to an end. It was these thoughts that made us even excited to get the most out of the day of shopping with the girls.
They are able to smile and be kind regardless of their situations (some of which you can’t even imagine). We can all learn from them.
Two of the girls came to the trailer with their dad, who was helping them find their items. We really enjoyed seeing a dad interact with his daughters in this way. When we were talking to him, he mentioned that he had four other daughters at home, so he was used to shopping with them. Everyone knows that a dad who can proudly say he shops with his daughters is a great dad, so keep it up!
We were sad to pack up the trailer when all the shopping was done because we knew that we had one day more until the end of the second leg. We are now excited for what Des Moines, Iowa, brings for us tomorrow!
P.S. We got to visit Mall of America, which was so incredibly huge! We had a great time checking out the different shops, and even got a chance to ride a roller coaster that is in the middle of the mall!