Little Rock, Arkansas
Wednesday, June 19th

This morning began the second stop on our second leg of Threads for Teens on Tour.  We awoke bright and early to set up the mobile boutique and get everything ready for the girls.  At just ten in the morning the heat was already 83 degrees and a heat index of 97 degrees, but it didn’t faze our intrepid volunteers.  Soon the girls came piling in and we got to work helping each girl find the perfect outfit for her individual style.  A few girls were looking for an outfit to wear to job interviews they had the next day and we were able to find just the right look that was professional and classy.

While setting up in the morning we met a local girl who had read about Threads for Teens in Clubhouse magazine and came out to help us that day. It was great to have an extra pair of hands and to see how the word was being spread about Threads for Teens.

10KTHV news crew interviewing Allyson in Littler Rock Arkansas.

After we had closed up the shop we were able to tour the Dassault Falcon Jet facility. This is where high-class airplanes are customized and built for private ownership. It was an amazing experience to get a private tour of the facility by one of the company’s engineers. At one point we were able to walk inside a finished jet, but not without hairnets and booties.

11Allyson, Kelsey, and Katie showing off their hair nets in front of the Dessault Falcon Jet facility.

After leaving Little Rock we headed towards Jackson, Mississippi, but first we made a pit stop in Memphis, TN to visit Graceland and get ourselves authentic southern BBQ.

12Allyson, Kelsey, and Katie in front of the gates to Elvis’ Graceland Mansion.