Hello bloggers! I hope all is well since the last time this was updated. So much new stuff has happened since then. I feel terrible since I have not put on a new post with all of this information. Please forgive me.

We had several GREAT newspaper articles written about us:
The Press Democrat
click HERE
The Windsor Times
click HERE
The press has really helped a lot with getting the word out there. Hopefully there will be some news crews coming up soon to film. We have had some interest. 🙂
So far there have been seventeen girls that have come in. Seeing these girls face as they walk in, has been so incredible. I can see how grateful they all are. Today, a girl came into the shop that was so cute.
She loved everything and had a blast. I kept hearing her say “This is like a dream,” “I can’t believe this is happening to me,” or “This is every girl’s dream!” That is what I LOVE about doing this. This isn’t about me at all, it is about these girls. Although I feel that I have received something larger than these girls. It has been as much a blessing for me as it is for them.
Today I spoke at my church. I enjoyed it a lot! Thank you Redwood Covenant Church! Here is a video of the interview.
Other stuff that is going on, is that Threads For Teens is becoming it’s own 501 c 3! That is GREAT news. I will let you know exactly when that happens. If you would like to send a donation please email me at this address:
Here are some pictures of the shop:

Please become a fan on facebook as well!
click HERE
That’s all for now!
Watch out for more! 🙂
Allyson Ahlstrom