Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL Hello from our stop today in Jacksonville, Florida! It was hot and humid, but we hit the beautiful beach after giving away lots of clothes. Perfect way to cool off! Thank you to Crowne Plaza for hosting us. Today was by far the hottest and most humid...
Jackson, MS

Jackson, MS

Jackson, Mississippi Thursday, June 20th This morning we got some much-needed time to sleep in, as appointments started at 1:00 today and not 10:00 like usual. But, we were extremely excited to be in Jackson, Mississippi! While it was great to get the extra sleep, the...
Little Rock, AR

Little Rock, AR

Little Rock, Arkansas Wednesday, June 19th This morning began the second stop on our second leg of Threads for Teens on Tour.  We awoke bright and early to set up the mobile boutique and get everything ready for the girls.  At just ten in the morning the heat was...
Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX

Dallas, Texas Tuesday, June 18th We woke up this morning in Dallas, Texas, thrilled for the beginning of the second leg of Threads For Teens on Tour.  We had a lot of work to do in the trailer after 41 long hours on the shaky road.  The clothes had to be put in color...
Cheyenne, WY

Cheyenne, WY

Our day began being greeted by the lovely executive director of CASA Cheyenne, WY, Betsy. Betsy and the CASA organization were absolutely fabulous! They arranged for the truck and trailer to be parked in Cheyenne’s Depot (downtown square). Which was absolutely...

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