Name: Grace Myler
Location: Minnesota
How did you hear about Threads for Teens?
In 2012, I saw a commercial on Disney Chanel talking about Threads For Teens. I was really inspired by what Allyson was doing for the girls in her community so I sent her an email. Three years later Allyson reached to me asking if I was interested in bringing Threads For Teens to my community. I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to help expand Threads For Teens.

Why did you want to be involved?
Seeing the commercial on Disney sparked my interest. Now as a teenager, I know how clothing can help boost my confidence and I want to be able to give girls that same feeling.

What are your goals for Threads for Teens Minnesota?
My goal is to impact as many girls as I can in Minnesota. I want to be able to provide them with not only clothing, but also with someone they can look up to as a role model.

Why is girl empowerment important to you?
I strongly believe it is important to have strong female role models in your life. Empowering girls is extremely important because these girls are the leaders of our next generation.

Do you have a female role model?
My mom is truly an inspiration and someone I look up to. My parents take care of adults with special needs and on a daily basis I see how the work my parents are doing is affecting the lives of these women. My mom has inspired me to get involved in my community through the work she is doing with these women.

What is the status of your TFT location?
Threads For Teens Minnesota is in a very exciting phase…the beginning. I wish that I could say that we have our location secured and girls are already benefiting from our service. But, we are still in the process, the journey, of finding a fit in our community. We’ve made many phone calls and sent numerous emails. I can tell that we are just on the edge of something really great happening. I’m really looking forward to our upcoming clothing drives which we plan to host with Threads For Teen Ambassadors (that’s the name we are calling them) from local high schools. Our goal is to have a location secured and up and running by March 2016.

Instagram  @threadsforteens_mn
Facebook /threadsforteensmn